Directions (read before starting)
This is a brief lab intended to cover the major steps involved in
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in R
. The lab is
intentionally brief to allow you additional time to work on your project
this week.
One-way ANOVA is used to statistically assess the relationship between a quantitative outcome variable and a categorical explanatory variable, usually when the categorical variable contains more than 2 categories.
The one-way ANOVA model states: \[y_i = \mu_i + \epsilon_i\]
We compare the fit of this model versus the fit of the null model which ignores the groups created by the categorical explanatory variable and simply pools all of the data together.
Step 1 - Hypotheses
One-way ANOVA evaluates the global null hypothesis \(H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \ldots = \mu_k\), which states that the means within every group created by the categorical variable are all equal.
The alternative hypothesis is that at least one group has a different mean.
Step 2 - Comparison of null and alternative models
In R
, the aov()
function will fit a one-way
ANOVA model, and we can use the summary()
function to
extract the relevant results from that model:
tsa = read.csv("")
my_model = aov(Close_Amount ~ Claim_Site, data = tsa)
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Claim_Site 2 2949087 1474543 16.75 5.64e-08 ***
## Residuals 4997 439979039 88049
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
In this example we see the \(F\)-statistic summarizing the comparison between the null model and the one-way ANOVA model is 16.75, and the corresponding \(p\)-value is \(< 0.0001\), suggesting these data provide strong evidence that the average close amount differs by claim site.
The Residuals
row of the ANOVA table describes the
“error” source of variability, or \(SSE\), while the Claim_Site
row describes the “group” source of variability, or \(SSG\). The table omits the “total” or \(SST\), but we could calculate it via
addition if desired.
Step 3 - Model assessment
One-way ANOVA makes two main assumptions:
If these assumptions are not met, the \(p\)-value resulting from one-way ANOVA can be inaccurate, producing an incorrect or misleading conclusion.
We can evaluate the first assumption by graphing the residuals:
my_residuals = my_model$residuals
ggplot() + geom_histogram(aes(x = my_residuals), bins = 25)
and functions such as log()
to create
a new outcome variable that is less skewed)We can evaluate the second assumption by looking at the standard
deviation within each group using the group_by()
tsa %>% group_by(Claim_Site) %>% summarize(Group_Stdev = sd(Close_Amount))
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## Claim_Site Group_Stdev
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Checked Baggage 269.
## 2 Checkpoint 418.
## 3 Other 771.
A popular “rule of thumb” is that one-way ANOVA is valid so long as the largest group standard deviation is no more than double the smallest group standard deviation.
Since both one-way ANOVA conditions are not met, this is a scenario where we might opt for a simulation-based test using StatKey.
Another option is the rank-based Kruskal-Wallis test implemented via
, which we will not have time to cover but
you can read
about here. The test relies upon ranks as its data similar to the
Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
Step 4 - Post-hoc testing
For the moment we’ll ignore the violated assumptions we identified in Step 3 and our final step of post-hoc pairwise testing.
The phrase “post-hoc” comes from Latin means “after this” or “after the fact”. As the name suggests, we’ll only do this step if the global test in Step 2 was statistically significant. Our goal in post-hoc testing is to determine which pairs of group differences produced the significant result.
There are many post-hoc tests that can be performed, but we’ll use Tukey’s Honest Significant Differences test:
TukeyHSD(my_model, conf.level = 0.95)
## Tukey multiple comparisons of means
## 95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = Close_Amount ~ Claim_Site, data = tsa)
## $Claim_Site
## diff lwr upr p adj
## Checkpoint-Checked Baggage 65.91855 37.227230 94.60987 0.0000002
## Other-Checked Baggage 149.76277 -6.151553 305.67709 0.0628946
## Other-Checkpoint 83.84422 -73.976342 241.66478 0.4264091
The \(p\)-values of this test are naturally adjusted to maintain the Type 1 error rate corresponding to 1 minus the given confidence level. So, in this example we can compare each \(p\)-value against a threshold of \(\alpha = 0.05\) and be confident that our chances of any false positive findings (ie: Type 1 errors) is at most 5%.
Thus, we can conclude that checkpoint claims have significantly higher close amounts than checked baggage claims, and that “other” claims have significantly higher close amounts than checked baggage claims.
We might also notice that the largest effect size is between Other and Checked Baggage, with Other having an average close amount that is approximately \(\$150\) larger.
This lab contains two short applications and the expectation is that you mirror the steps outlined in the previous section for each. You should report all relevant information, check assumptions, and adjust your approach if neceesary.
An individual’s critical flicker frequency is the highest frequency at which a flickering light source can be detected. At frequencies above the critical frequency, the light source appears to be continuous even though it is actually flickering.
The data below come from a study titled “The effect of iris color on critical flicker frequency” published in the Journal of General Psychology. The study recorded the critical flicker frequency and iris color (part of the eye) for \(n = 19\) subjects:
flicker = read.delim('')
Question 1:
to fit the one-way
ANOVA model. Print the ANOVA table and interpret the \(p\)-value. Be sure to make a conclusion
that involves the context of these data.kruskal.test()
A previous
lecture discussed data from a driving simulator experiment where
participants were grouped according to the “hardest” substance they
regularly used and engaged in a simulated drive where they had to follow
a lead vehicle to a destination. The outcome variable, D
is the subject’s average following distance (ft) throughout the
You might recall that in this lecture we discussed the problems that arise when using multiple pairwise hypothesis tests in the same analysis.
driving = read.csv("")
Question 2:
to fit the one-way
ANOVA model. Print the ANOVA table and interpret the \(p\)-value. Be sure to make a conclusion
that involves the context of these data.kruskal.test()
is the natural logarithm of the column
, making it a log-transformed variable. For this question,
refit the one-way ANOVA model using LD
as the outcome and
briefly describe whether the assumptions of the model seem more
reasonable as well as how the \(p\)-value changes in comparison to what you
found in Part B.