
Question #1

Michael Jordan is a retired professional basketball player who is recognized by many as the greatest player of all time. Since Jordan has been retired for more than two decades, it makes sense to consider each game he played in as a case within the population that constitutes his career. Given below are two independently drawn random samples of games played by Michael Jordan. One sample consists of \(n=25\) games, and the other consists of \(n=200\) games.

## Sample of 25 games
mj25 = read.csv("")

## Sample of 200 games
mj200 = read.csv("")


Question #2

In this question you’ll continue using the two samples of Michael Jordan’s regular season games described in Question 1; however, this question will focus on probability models.


Question #3

For each of the following scenarios indicate whether the data being described is most reasonably described as a population or a sample. If it is a sample, indicate whether it a biased sample or a representative sample. You should provide a 1-2 sentence justification for each of your answers.