
Question #1

The American Community Survey (ACS) is a component of the US Census that is administered to a random sample of US addresses on a rolling basis. When the mailed version is combined with in-person visits and telephone calls the survey has a 95% response rate. The data linked below are a random sample of employed individuals drawn from a recent ACS (2020 Census):

acs = read.csv("")

The ACS data linked above includes the following variables:

Each of the following parts of this question will describe a scenario that you will address using a confidence interval estimate. To receive full credit, you must use a method that produces valid confidence intervals (ie: exact binomial for a single proportion when the sample size is small) for the population parameter of interest. Not all of these scenarios will ask for the same confidence level, so be mindful of what you’re asked to find.


Question #2

The scenarios below each describe a potential change. For each scenario you are to indicate whether that change is expected to increase or decrease the width of a confidence interval estimate. You should also include a 1-sentence justification explaining your belief.


Question #3

The scenarios below each involve the interpretation of a confidence interval estimate. For each scenario, you are to indicate whether the interpretation is correct or incorrect. You should include a 1-sentence justification explaining your belief.