Multivariable Linear Regression (Part 2 - Quantitative Predictors)

Ryan Miller


Previously, we discussed regression models involving a single categorical and single quantitative explanatory variable:

These fitted models look like separate, parallel regression lines for each category of the categorical variable.

Multiple Slopes

When considering models with multiple quantitative variables, let’s start by looking at two separate simple linear regressions:

Regression Planes

Below is the regression plane of the model: Avg_Fac_Salary ~ Adm_Rate + ACT_median

Regression Planes

Recall that the coefficients in a fitted regression model optimize the squared distance between the model’s predictions and the observed values of the response variable:

This is still the case when there are multiple explanatory variables, but if the explanatory variables are correlated the best fitting plane (multivariable model) will not be equivalent to the best fitting lines in each individual variable (separate simple linear regression models):

Adjusted Effects

Median ACT scores are negatively correlated with their admissions rates:
