By the end of the semester, Friday May 19th at 5pm, your team will complete the following final products:

  1. Final Deliverable - A completed tool, model, or document for your client that is accompanied by source code an a user guide that describes in a non-technical way how to utilize the deliverable.
  2. Executive Summary - A 1-2 page summary report aimed at a non-technical audience that communicates the essence of your project (ie: goals, steps, results, etc.)
  3. Oral Presentation - A 20-minute presentation to the class during our assigned final exam slot (Friday May 19th from 9am-noon). This should focus on showcasing your deliverable.
  4. Technical Report - A comprehensive, formal report that documents the technical details of your work. You should write this with a technical audience in mind, and it should include specific details on your work (ie: technical details pertaining to models, methods, etc.)

Additionally, you will complete Reflection #3 as an individual by this deadline.



Below are specific details pertaining to the expectations for each final product:

Final Deliverable:

Executive Summary:

Oral Presentation:

Technical Report: