- Make sure you’ve thoroughly read each project description (found in
“Documents” tab on P-web)
- Follow the guidelines in the section below to write a 1-paragraph
reflection for each of the four projects. At this point you’ll have
written 4-paragraphs. Make sure you’ve done this before moving to the
next step.
- Rank the four projects from 1 (most preferred) to 4 (least
preferred). Clearly indicate your rankings beneath the 4-paragraphs
you’ve already written.
- Write a fifth paragraph that explains your rankings. In the likely
event that it is impossible to assign everyone to their most preferred
project, the quality and depth of these written explanations will be
used to inform group assignments. You are welcome to prefer projects
that play to your strengths, or to favor projects that will help you
strengthen your weaknesses. Neither of these philosophies will be viewed
as inherently superior to the other when written explanations are used
to form project teams.
- This step is optional. Add a final paragraph explaining any
partner preferences you might have. In particular, I’d prefer to avoid
pairing people who are unlikely to get along, so please share if there
is someone who you’d like to avoid working with (you should not
explain why). I’m also interested forming cohesive teams, so take this
as opportunity to let me know who you’d be excited to work with. Please
give this serious consideration, as you’ll be spending a substantial
amount of time with your team this semester and groups will receive the
same score for many important assignments throughout the semester.
Project Reflections
Each paragraph (one per project) should contain:
- An opening sentence (or two) describing what you believe to be the
main technical skills that will be used in the project.
- 1-3 sentences describing skills you already have that will
be specifically beneficial to the project.
- 1-3 sentences describing skills you’ll need to acquire or
improve upon to be successful in the project.
- 1-3 sentences describing positive or exciting aspects of
the project.
- 1-3 sentences describing fears, concerns, or negatives of
working on the project.
Please make sure you’ve included all of the components specified in
the directions (one paragraph per project, rankings, and a rankings
explanation) and upload your written reflection to P-web no later than
Tuesday, 1/28 at 11:59pm